Hello all, today e-news is discussing about Blood Locator application.

blood donation

We all know that lot of people are searching for blood during this covid pandemic situation. The Blood Locator is an application which is developed for helping people during blood requirement conditions. This application is small in size but having lots of special functions helpful for blood donors and blood needed persons.


1) Download the application which is available in the Google play store. 

2) Open the application. Click on register button. 

3) Enter your mobile number and click continue button.

4) An OTP is generated automatically and complete the verification process.

5) 'Create new account' option is displayed were the user can enter their details.

6) Click the submit button.


In the home page of Blood Locator application the user can see three option such as search donor, search community and search hospital. 

In search donor option, the user can search the blood group which the user need and easily find the the blood donors near to their location wise who is registered in this application. The user can directly contact the donor through chat and call option.

In search community option, the user can search various associations who are registered in the application and can directly contact with them for needs.

In search hospital option, the user can search the hospitals in a particular location.

Through this application the user can also request for blood. So, the Blood Locator application is helpful for people.